My heart stopped pumping blood for a second.The remote control fell off my hand.I couldnt believe what i had just seen.i had read something similar in 'A Fine Balance' but i always thought that such a thing happened only during the Emergency Period.
I stared at the TV as CNN IBN exposed how doctors amputate healthy limbs for money.This is all a part of the 'BEGGAR MAFIA'.The mafia brainwash the poor for some money and get their legs amputated so that they could beg.Beggary was banned in 1969 but just see how cruelly its still being practised.And to support the mafia are the doctors who amputate healthy legs. They are not doctors.They are worse than butchers!!making a mockery of the profession which is still said to offer much more than any other profession.How can people be so heartless!!!
I hope strongest action is taken against these doctors!!!I've been a firm believer in what gregory david roberts discovered in india-"There is no heart like an indian heart".But I've discovered some routhlessly heartless people among them!!God....Save our Nation!!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Rohinton Mistry
O call me and I
Will quench your thirst for water.
But who on earth,can grant
My parched eyes' desire?
Will definitely go in as one of the best books i've read!!Based on how people suffered during the emergency period,the author brings out the suffering in the eyes of these 4 characters-Ishvar,Om,Dina and Maneck.The book is slow in the beginning but gets very interesting through the novel.The story setup leading to the future of the characters is pretty unbelievable!! You'll read this book and realise how dramatic a book can get and the characters still in my mind i ask only one question while retrospecting every single event in this book.... "What If??"
Rohinton Mistry
O call me and I
Will quench your thirst for water.
But who on earth,can grant
My parched eyes' desire?

Will definitely go in as one of the best books i've read!!Based on how people suffered during the emergency period,the author brings out the suffering in the eyes of these 4 characters-Ishvar,Om,Dina and Maneck.The book is slow in the beginning but gets very interesting through the novel.The story setup leading to the future of the characters is pretty unbelievable!! You'll read this book and realise how dramatic a book can get and the characters still in my mind i ask only one question while retrospecting every single event in this book.... "What If??"
Friday, July 21, 2006
"Lost in ICELAND"
I've been waiting for some good plays since the start of holidays.Happened to catch up with a good one on Tuesday.This was from a famous theatre group from chennai called Evam.They are mainly known for their slapstick comedy and well formatted scripts.
Art was no different.Cant say the play was an outright comedy but it did have much more than just entertaining the audience for 90 mins.
So,we had 3 characters "Serge,Marc,Yvan" with contrasting personalities and "The Anthreos" painting which forms the backbone of the script.And yes..How can i forget the filler "baby chubby" who seemed to play the music with his wand between two scenes during the change of props.Serge and Marc have been facing a lean patch in their relationship but it falls apart when Serge displays the painting.Serge has paid 200,000 franc for it and Marc writes it off as "piece of shit!!".Marc had been influential in moulding Serge who now thinks he is 'past his time'.And we have Yvan who forms the comical character and inspite of his terrible family problems hangs between these revolting personalities hoping for a compromise and ends up exposing his own emotional weakness.
We only have a vague idea of the painting which Marc describes as"a white painting with white lines!!".The script finally opens up when the two agree for a compromise with a trial period and ends with Marc describing the painting.
I'm too tempted to reveal what the painting actually contained..but there wont be any excitement or suspense left about the play.But,when your hear what actually the painting implied,your heart stops for a second and the only thing you crave is to be a part of the painting and everything else around seems insignificant!!!!
I've been waiting for some good plays since the start of holidays.Happened to catch up with a good one on Tuesday.This was from a famous theatre group from chennai called Evam.They are mainly known for their slapstick comedy and well formatted scripts.
Art was no different.Cant say the play was an outright comedy but it did have much more than just entertaining the audience for 90 mins.
So,we had 3 characters "Serge,Marc,Yvan" with contrasting personalities and "The Anthreos" painting which forms the backbone of the script.And yes..How can i forget the filler "baby chubby" who seemed to play the music with his wand between two scenes during the change of props.Serge and Marc have been facing a lean patch in their relationship but it falls apart when Serge displays the painting.Serge has paid 200,000 franc for it and Marc writes it off as "piece of shit!!".Marc had been influential in moulding Serge who now thinks he is 'past his time'.And we have Yvan who forms the comical character and inspite of his terrible family problems hangs between these revolting personalities hoping for a compromise and ends up exposing his own emotional weakness.
We only have a vague idea of the painting which Marc describes as"a white painting with white lines!!".The script finally opens up when the two agree for a compromise with a trial period and ends with Marc describing the painting.
I'm too tempted to reveal what the painting actually contained..but there wont be any excitement or suspense left about the play.But,when your hear what actually the painting implied,your heart stops for a second and the only thing you crave is to be a part of the painting and everything else around seems insignificant!!!!
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Dont remember how I landed up with this info...check this out!!its pretty mindblowing!!
Actually dont bother if its true or bogus....but its freakin' hilarious!!!
oh..my..god..pretty funny!!
MOTILAL married and his first wife and son died at childbirth.
MOTILAL and his second wife THUSSU (name changed to SWAROOP RANI) had three children
THUSSU with MOBARAK ALI (Motilal's Boss) was the first son JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU (he was circumcised).
MOTILAL AND THUSSU had two daughters by name NAN (also called Vijaya Lakshmi) & KRISHNA.
MOTILAL had also two bastard sons out of Muslim women by name SHEIK ABDULLA &SYUD HUSSAIN.
VIJAYA LAKSHMI eloped with SYUD HUSSAIN (half brother and sister) and had a girl CHANDRALEKHA
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU married KAMALA KAUL (marriage never consummated)
JAWAHARLAL had an affair with SARADDHA MATA (assumed name) and had a son given away to an orphanage in BANGALORE
JAWAHARLAL had an affair with LADY MOUNTBATTEN but no children
KAMALA KAUL had an affair with MANZUR ALI (who is son of Mobark Ali who fathered Nehru also) and their daughter is INDIRA PRIYADARSINI NEHRU
KAMALA KAUL had an affair with FEROZ KHAN (son of Nawab Khan who supplied liquor to their house) but no children
INDIRA was found in the bed with her GERMAN TEACHER at Shantiniketan
INDIRA PRIYADARSINI nikhahed as per Islamic rites FEROZ KHAN after converting herself to Islam. Her new name was MAIMUNA BEGUM and both had changed their name to fool the public of India on the advice of Ghandi by an affidavit in a court to INDIRA GHANDI and FEROZ GANDHI
INDIRA and FEROZ had one son by name RAJIV GHANDI (as per Islamic rites he was circumcised)
INDIRA had an affair with MOHAMMED YOUNUS and had a second son SANJIV GHANDI (later the name changed to SANJAY GHANDI to escape prosecution in UK for car theft. He was circumcised as per Islamic rites)
INDIRA had an affair with M.O. MATHAI (Nehru's steno) and a son was aborted
INDIRA had an affair with DHIRENDRA BRAMMACHARI but no children
INDIRA had an affair with DHINESH SINGH but no children
FEROZ had an affair with TARAKESWARI SINHA
FEROZ had an affair with MEHMUNA SULTANA
FEROZ had an affair with SUBHADRA JOSHI and many others.
RAJIV GHANDI converted to a Christian Catholic and changed the name to ROBERTO and married the Italian Catholic Christian by name SONIA MAINO (Sonia Maino was on the pay roll of KGB, the Russian spy agency which presented her in front of Rajiv Ghandi) and had one daughter and one son by name BIANKA and RAUL. For the Indian public these names are presented as PRIANKA and RAHUL.
The Womanizer was after ladies and even had an illegitimate son who was left with some christian missionaries. One of the reason for the free run for the christian conversion through out India and in North East particularly was that the christians could blackmail Nehru with exposure. Eventually this womanizer died of TERTIARY SYPHILIS-AORTIC ANEURYSM!!
Looks like a lot of shit!!!!!!!!but shit happens....and we dont care!!
Dont remember how I landed up with this info...check this out!!its pretty mindblowing!!
Actually dont bother if its true or bogus....but its freakin' hilarious!!!
oh..my..god..pretty funny!!
MOTILAL married and his first wife and son died at childbirth.
MOTILAL and his second wife THUSSU (name changed to SWAROOP RANI) had three children
THUSSU with MOBARAK ALI (Motilal's Boss) was the first son JAWAHAR LAL NEHRU (he was circumcised).
MOTILAL AND THUSSU had two daughters by name NAN (also called Vijaya Lakshmi) & KRISHNA.
MOTILAL had also two bastard sons out of Muslim women by name SHEIK ABDULLA &SYUD HUSSAIN.
VIJAYA LAKSHMI eloped with SYUD HUSSAIN (half brother and sister) and had a girl CHANDRALEKHA
JAWAHARLAL NEHRU married KAMALA KAUL (marriage never consummated)
JAWAHARLAL had an affair with SARADDHA MATA (assumed name) and had a son given away to an orphanage in BANGALORE
JAWAHARLAL had an affair with LADY MOUNTBATTEN but no children
KAMALA KAUL had an affair with MANZUR ALI (who is son of Mobark Ali who fathered Nehru also) and their daughter is INDIRA PRIYADARSINI NEHRU
KAMALA KAUL had an affair with FEROZ KHAN (son of Nawab Khan who supplied liquor to their house) but no children
INDIRA was found in the bed with her GERMAN TEACHER at Shantiniketan
INDIRA PRIYADARSINI nikhahed as per Islamic rites FEROZ KHAN after converting herself to Islam. Her new name was MAIMUNA BEGUM and both had changed their name to fool the public of India on the advice of Ghandi by an affidavit in a court to INDIRA GHANDI and FEROZ GANDHI
INDIRA and FEROZ had one son by name RAJIV GHANDI (as per Islamic rites he was circumcised)
INDIRA had an affair with MOHAMMED YOUNUS and had a second son SANJIV GHANDI (later the name changed to SANJAY GHANDI to escape prosecution in UK for car theft. He was circumcised as per Islamic rites)
INDIRA had an affair with M.O. MATHAI (Nehru's steno) and a son was aborted
INDIRA had an affair with DHIRENDRA BRAMMACHARI but no children
INDIRA had an affair with DHINESH SINGH but no children
FEROZ had an affair with TARAKESWARI SINHA
FEROZ had an affair with MEHMUNA SULTANA
FEROZ had an affair with SUBHADRA JOSHI and many others.
RAJIV GHANDI converted to a Christian Catholic and changed the name to ROBERTO and married the Italian Catholic Christian by name SONIA MAINO (Sonia Maino was on the pay roll of KGB, the Russian spy agency which presented her in front of Rajiv Ghandi) and had one daughter and one son by name BIANKA and RAUL. For the Indian public these names are presented as PRIANKA and RAHUL.
The Womanizer was after ladies and even had an illegitimate son who was left with some christian missionaries. One of the reason for the free run for the christian conversion through out India and in North East particularly was that the christians could blackmail Nehru with exposure. Eventually this womanizer died of TERTIARY SYPHILIS-AORTIC ANEURYSM!!
Looks like a lot of shit!!!!!!!!but shit happens....and we dont care!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
"Real vs Barca"!!!I couldnt miss this one.You dont get to watch such matches everyday.The clock showed 10.30 A.M."big shit!!",i hardly cared what was about to hit me in another 3 hrs.And before i could admire a Zidane backheeler the t.v was switched off. Thanks to my mom!!"Do you have any sense.You have your board exams at 2.30 and you are sitting and watching football!!God knows when you are going to realise!!".So i had to get back to my books grumbling about my luck and destiny!!!
My mom was possibly right.I dont know when i'm going to realise. But the question that follows is "realise what??"And i dont think i'll ever be able to realise this!!
The only way i could convince myself that i could prove myself when it was necessary.Who's going waste energy unnecessarily!!
Some of it is unforgettable.I used to feel proud about myself being very clever when i used to hide my answer papers from my parents in my 6th and 7th stds and show it to them just before the parents-teachers meeting.And somethings never change-"Getting belted in exams".ya..i know things have changed from the board exam times.But its sometimes funny to keep a track on our mindset going into each sem.Every semester i proudly proclaim " see da..this time i'll slog and get a 9!!"and how convieniently they drop by the end of the semester and we stare down at ourselves,"not again da!!!"
"COMPROMISES"thats the word we stand firmly against but yet rest on it.Down the line no one knows how many compromises one has to make. But all of us fly on those wings of wax to reach the sun....
"Real vs Barca"!!!I couldnt miss this one.You dont get to watch such matches everyday.The clock showed 10.30 A.M."big shit!!",i hardly cared what was about to hit me in another 3 hrs.And before i could admire a Zidane backheeler the t.v was switched off. Thanks to my mom!!"Do you have any sense.You have your board exams at 2.30 and you are sitting and watching football!!God knows when you are going to realise!!".So i had to get back to my books grumbling about my luck and destiny!!!
My mom was possibly right.I dont know when i'm going to realise. But the question that follows is "realise what??"And i dont think i'll ever be able to realise this!!
The only way i could convince myself that i could prove myself when it was necessary.Who's going waste energy unnecessarily!!
Some of it is unforgettable.I used to feel proud about myself being very clever when i used to hide my answer papers from my parents in my 6th and 7th stds and show it to them just before the parents-teachers meeting.And somethings never change-"Getting belted in exams".ya..i know things have changed from the board exam times.But its sometimes funny to keep a track on our mindset going into each sem.Every semester i proudly proclaim " see da..this time i'll slog and get a 9!!"and how convieniently they drop by the end of the semester and we stare down at ourselves,"not again da!!!"
"COMPROMISES"thats the word we stand firmly against but yet rest on it.Down the line no one knows how many compromises one has to make. But all of us fly on those wings of wax to reach the sun....
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