Saturday, April 07, 2007

Not Definitely the End of the Beginning!!!

Not blogged for quite sometime. Again sudden turn around of events got me home. Last month it was maiden and this month it was 'utsav'. Last year things just dint work out for me as far as music club was concerned. put all my cards down to perform in b.m.s which dint happen, thanks to dr raj kumar! This time i din't have the energy to take the initiative but it somehow worked!! i finally saw myself performing for college after 3 years!!!Finally!! you may call me a bad singer to have taken so bloody long to perform for college......actually i don't know what to call myself!!
And its shit disappointing when things don't work out on stage! Trust me....its the biggest challenge for a singer on stage when he realizes that one set of instruments are playing on a particular scale and some other instrument(most audible one) is playing on another scale. i guess there's no solution. oh...wait a second...there is a solution. A horrible performance.
Except that one song, the rest of the songs came out well and we din't win!! But you know......even after this debacle, i'll still take this performance with me for quite some time. I finally performed! never expected a fairy tale beginning but still...........i know there are many more coming my way and i still believe i'll do a good job!!

I hate this blog!!its a little too personal. But................i'm a passionate singer... and i take that privilege.

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