Friday, October 05, 2007

The Journey Back from Home

The air was still. The smoke seemed to travel quite far. The bus had stopped for a break midway at Kamath Upachar. Its weird the way these journeys to and fro went by for the last three years. There were these moments of anxiety in the beginning with regular glances out of the window seeking familiarity of the places I was traveling past. Then more of irritation when the bus used to breakdown in the middle of the night and a sense of exhaustion when I get back home. This time, so far its not been bad. The bus on schedule.
The coffee was getting cold. But what was more weird was the transition of lifestyle in these 360 kms. Rather funny I must say when transition is almost spontaneous on either side. The Bus lights were still off. Heh..I guess the driver is taking a long loaded leak.
Immediately thoughts of how these three years have gone by to lead me to this moment in the middle of the transition. Why three years!? There is a lot i could script about the last three months itself. A job in hand, continued states of inebriation and a single room.
The bus lights turned on..So...Back to the transition/journey.
Its funny how your body warms up in a few minutes.
Rather, its funny how 84 mms reduces to 15 mms in a few minutes.
Heh...Just stub and move on!

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